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Selasa, 12 April 2011


Yesterday, 11-04-2011 was my born day

Perayaan yang hening, no bash no birthday cake no friend, hanya dinginnya hembusan angin saat tengah malam di jalan Fatmawati. Sendiri. Bersama lembutnya nada knalpot vespa yang menderu. Bahkan bulan pun tersenyum pahit.

i close my eyes, flashback

when I was baby until now

what I have done, what I haven’t done, and what I must done

But BANG! I quickly opened my eyes

something happened

Actually, something was comes up.


Words are flying, filling my head. It makes me spinning.

It.. said..

Maybe this is your day, but it seems the world didn’t recognize, they all too busy with

their own business.

Maybe this is your proudly event, but they all too busy with their own stuff.

Maybe you want to share your best feeling, but they won’t to be disturbed





Gue pacu gas. Semakin kencang.

Melewati raga yang tertusuk dinginnya udara

Dan meninggalkan tanda putih, masa lalu.

Entah kenapa muncul emosi yang meletup-letup

Merenungi apa yang salah

Dan lalu..


Menginjak rem dengan seksama




Lampu kota yang redup semakin membuat tragis

Terlintas harus semakin cepat, namun tidak.

Lagi sepi gitu, muncul satu kesimpulan, kesimpulan yang adil.

Saat gue inget inget lagi, gue ketawa. Ketawa lepas malahan

Mereka ngga tau apa yang udah gue rasain, yang mereka lihat hanya senyum. Yang pastinya palsu.

Do not think you don’t have any of them, ‘cause your endless happiness awaits you at home.

Go, light up, cheer up, make them laugh, my son

Gue selah motor, putar balik, lalu pergi perlahan-lahan, menuju tempat yang gue sebut rumah.

Start -> my computer -> my music -> Sore - Centralismo -> Aku -> play