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Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Membalas Tuhan.

Tuhan tidak bersamaku, tuhan meninggalkan aku sendirian.
Ia pergi jauh, bahkan lupa ia telah menciptakan ku.
Dibiarkan terkapar mati di curuk kelam
Teori klasik berkata ia Maha Segalanya.
Bah, omong kosong!
Aku sendiri yang mengalami nya!
Ia benci tawa ku. Tawa kami.




Akan kubalas!
Akan kubalas ia yang mengacuhkan ku!
Walau baku-baku jemariku memutih melihatkan tulang belulang hanya untuk merangkak naik dari lobang persetan ini.
Kubuat ia mengaku salah bahwa ia telah melupakan karya nya yang maha agung ini!
Akan kubuat ia berani menatap mata merah kelabu penuh derita.
Dan memusatkan kasih sayangnya.
Bukankah setiap perbuatan, yang mengatasnamakan kemurkaan akan lebih kuat?
Bukankah setiap perilaku berdasar kemarahan tak terbendung lebih mudah mendapatkan tujuannya?
Dan bukankah balas dendam itu menyenangkan?
Ya. Menyenangkan.
Kenikmatan tak tergambarkan tercurat jelas di rona mata yang membalaskan dendamnya.
Jangan lerai aku!
Aku akan membalas dendam
Aku akan membalas Tuhan

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012


Hello, dear. i'm Dani fardian.
We don't know each other, and we haven't met yet. but here i am, sit at the corner of your eyes, as a friend, brother, or even a foe. while i warmth your hands with mine.

For a mother who cried over her children,
For a father who fought tirelessly,
For a sister who lost her crown in the midst of ignorance,
For a brother who maintain families to stay together
And for a friend who is struggling alone without friends.

I don't know, what you had been through. i don't know either what you looking for. that caused your tired eyes.
All i know is, wherever you are, whatever you do, will bring life to everything near you.
I know how precious life is, eventho' we're not in the same level of battle. but trust me, i know how it feels.
To feel when it comes to you, when you softly touch the most beautiful magic Almighty has created. You are invulnerable.

To every person who read this post. Keep tryin', dont give up whatever the reason is. don't stop dreaming, it might be impossible for you to reach it, at least, it keeps you motivated.
We all love you. your parents, your friends. Yes we do.
Butterfly, stay with me.

Senin, 18 Juni 2012

silly little thing

sorry for the loong loong gap here. it takes six months? a year? wow, its been like forever for me to not posting a new one.
well well well. here i am now. sitting in my room. read my old post. tch. its kinda funny isn't it?
galau sana galau sini. too pathetic just to get a girl. if she want you, she'll answer, dude. chill out!

hmm but, there's one little girl, that i just met. 7 months ago. that change my eyesight of this world. she's Marga, i call her, Bee :). she chill me, we enjoy shared our moment silently. ah ga peka gue, susah ngungkapin kata-kata. the point is. She's my whole life. for now. :*

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011


K, I created this blog just to be my douche bag. Dumped all the things that never been spoken. Or in other words, are hard to be spoken. Why? Dunno. Just not feel comfortable to saying my shits to someone #curcol lah istilahnya

But the funny facts are, my friends comment:

My 1st pal, idealivin, he said that it was good if you sometimes feeling alone. “You don’t have to shared all the things, mostly when your proudly event but there’s no one you could shared with, you just enjoying them by yourself”. K agreed, can’t say any words because i’m already get used to it, get used to plunge this words into my mind

My another fellas, Amanda. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, she chat me, she said she was so curious about my blog, so she read it (since I’ve made a video about us, wanna see it too? Search “basbik movie” on the list ). Then when she finished, she told me that she can feel the loneliness of me. When I’m passed the crowd of Fatmawati road, seeing all the flash light, hearing all the shout, but deep inside, I am by myself. And she continued, she said “you must shared your feeling, no matter what it is. Even if it is hurt. if you hold it, you could sick”, I replied “ Thanks, but it’s okay, I can hold ‘em all, once again, thanks, for the attention, Man.” Sorry, but it was too late Man, I am already sick

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011


i wish you the best :)

Selasa, 12 April 2011


Yesterday, 11-04-2011 was my born day

Perayaan yang hening, no bash no birthday cake no friend, hanya dinginnya hembusan angin saat tengah malam di jalan Fatmawati. Sendiri. Bersama lembutnya nada knalpot vespa yang menderu. Bahkan bulan pun tersenyum pahit.

i close my eyes, flashback

when I was baby until now

what I have done, what I haven’t done, and what I must done

But BANG! I quickly opened my eyes

something happened

Actually, something was comes up.


Words are flying, filling my head. It makes me spinning.

It.. said..

Maybe this is your day, but it seems the world didn’t recognize, they all too busy with

their own business.

Maybe this is your proudly event, but they all too busy with their own stuff.

Maybe you want to share your best feeling, but they won’t to be disturbed





Gue pacu gas. Semakin kencang.

Melewati raga yang tertusuk dinginnya udara

Dan meninggalkan tanda putih, masa lalu.

Entah kenapa muncul emosi yang meletup-letup

Merenungi apa yang salah

Dan lalu..


Menginjak rem dengan seksama




Lampu kota yang redup semakin membuat tragis

Terlintas harus semakin cepat, namun tidak.

Lagi sepi gitu, muncul satu kesimpulan, kesimpulan yang adil.

Saat gue inget inget lagi, gue ketawa. Ketawa lepas malahan

Mereka ngga tau apa yang udah gue rasain, yang mereka lihat hanya senyum. Yang pastinya palsu.

Do not think you don’t have any of them, ‘cause your endless happiness awaits you at home.

Go, light up, cheer up, make them laugh, my son

Gue selah motor, putar balik, lalu pergi perlahan-lahan, menuju tempat yang gue sebut rumah.

Start -> my computer -> my music -> Sore - Centralismo -> Aku -> play

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011


tonite. again. hang out w/ ma pals
joking around. make a fool with anyone.
and now. i realize
That everyone has their own life. maybe they're suffering but maybe they're happier than anyone else.
You can't disturb their happiness. you can't just comin' in without any alert and screw their life. need a step, a good step, so you can walk together.
so do i. i can't just step to her world when she was having fun with her friend
don't wanna . don't wanna make her feel disturbed
maybe there's a star in her eyes, and maybe i can see our future when i look into her.
but, ye know, we still got a long way down. so, i must take it easy
see you when i see you :)