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Senin, 18 Juni 2012

silly little thing

sorry for the loong loong gap here. it takes six months? a year? wow, its been like forever for me to not posting a new one.
well well well. here i am now. sitting in my room. read my old post. tch. its kinda funny isn't it?
galau sana galau sini. too pathetic just to get a girl. if she want you, she'll answer, dude. chill out!

hmm but, there's one little girl, that i just met. 7 months ago. that change my eyesight of this world. she's Marga, i call her, Bee :). she chill me, we enjoy shared our moment silently. ah ga peka gue, susah ngungkapin kata-kata. the point is. She's my whole life. for now. :*

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