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Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Another Blossom

after along time since i've been a stalker
can't get close to someone because my fuckin' condition, it shut me up
always end the nights in misery

And..... it's totally
i'm freely flying to another blossom
why? 'coz another women has drown my heart so deep inside her eyes
She's not like the others
She's just... feminime.
But with her feminine, she displays a polite sexy aura.
Even though my pals says she's not too beautiful
But i said " so what? she's prettier than any women in this world because the beauty is her"
Waideminet, did i said, she is a women? yeah. she is not a girl. she is a mature one
In the past, me and her has a complicated relation, but it's not stopping me to get closer

Uoh baby, i don't wanna lose you
don't wanna be just yer shadow
gotta step it up and make you mine
even though there's a long distance between us

gotta make it seriously
i'm not a kid anymore
i'm an adult, i'm a man

why so serious?
'cause i know this is not just an ordinary love
'cause i'm tired with playful relationship
this time, if God lemme be her Sun, i'll shine and brighten her life

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011


Three years straight feel nothing

They said it was unforgettable moment

But another stuff hit me fucking hard

out of play

Like somehow just don’t belong in there

Trying to scream out loud in silent

I’ve got no place to go

I’ve got no place to run

‘cause I’ve got no place called home

Chill but deep inside bleeding

With big face smile and stupid lie

Trying really hard to cover all of the pain with little laugh

You know what it is like?

To be tooked in all of your life

To be kicked even when you’re down

To be hurted but no one understand you

To be broke and there’s no one gonna save you

To be desperate lookin’ to everyone else runaway from your sight

To be crashed and burned in front of the crowd but have to keep smiling

When everyone lie straight to your face

When everyone stab you from your back

No you don’t know what it is like!

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

1 tahun kuda hitam

Boy, hari ini tepat 1 tahun hilangnya motor gue berjenis kelamin Supra X berwarna hitam dengan tanggal lahir 2004. mau tau gimana ceritanya bisa ilang? nih jadi waktu itu pas mau UAN, gua ngebentuk kerja kelompok, pas hari itu pas giliran di rumah gue

Kronologi Peristiwa:

Pagi hari: situasi tentram aman damai, sampai jam 8an gue ke Supermarket depan gang rumah. Nah saking buru-burunya mau beli minuman makanan etc, gue main ngibrit ke dalem, lupa kunci masih nyantel. Pas gue keluar.. ilang deh. Nah gue pulang, bilang ke bonyok dengan tampang plengo “yaah mah pah, motor ilang” JEDAARR dimarahin gua abis"an. Yowes lah gue telpon Bu tata biar ga dateng, eh ga diangkat

Siang hari: Gua muter-muter nyari motor keliling depok, and just for you know, gua keliling nyari motor sampe ke daerah perbatasan bogor, saking panik. Nah pas di perjalanan, si Bu Tata nelpon

Miss Tata: “dani dimana? Ibu udah nyampe depan rumah kamu, tapi kata orang rumah kamu lagi pergi”

JEDAARR lagi. lagi super duper panic nyari motor ditanya frontal, gelagapan gua.

Gue: “aduh map bu lagi dirumah sodara, abis ibu saya telpon ga dijawab-jawab”

Miss Tata: “ibu jauh jauh kesini ko ga les sih? Yaudah “.

Asal lo tau, rumahnya tuh di daerah tanah baru, sawangan, kalo gasalah. Jauh nyeet ahaha. Dan parahnya tuh guru ngambeknya ke Bebe bukan ke gua. Wakkak kena semprot lagi dari bebe.

Besoknya dikelas gua disindir dan JEDAARR nya lagi ketiga kali, dicuekin sama guru 2 minggu full.


Yowes lah gue jelasin dari awal kejadian sampe abis, baru deh pada maafin.

But, at least saat gue cerita tentang bagaimana motor gue ilang, mereka semua percaya. Bahkan ada yang ketawa kenceng. Dikirain ngelawak kali ya.


gatau musti seneng mereka percaya dengan cerita konyol gue itu atau musti sedih karena mereka gatau apa yang sebenernya terjadi sama gue

mau tau gimana bentuknya kuda hitam supra?


Nih aslinya

Eish kuat juga meen buat bertiga..